Sunday, September 2, 2012

The Ripple Effect; Part One: He's been preparing me.

"Make you perfect in every good work to do his will, working in you which is wellpleasing in his sight, though Jesus Christ; to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen."
                                                            - Hebrews 12:21
A couple hours ago, my cousin, Paris ambled into my room asking me if I would do the (hopefully) daily blog post for WOW Kids. Truth be told, I wanted to grumble and complain and go to sleep because we've had quite the eventful day, though something in the back of my mind was really pushing for me to make it, so I agreed. (It might also have something to do with the fact that there are still a few kids here, making it impossible to get any sort of sleep...but I'm going to go with it was God pushing me)

My initial plan was to just write about how our day at church went today. Simple, right? So, I get half way to typing my little story out.

God says, "Nope, I don't want you to write about that."

Well, alright. You're the boss. I change my mind, go for an approach about preparing my little kids class for the ministry. Awesome- I put on my writing playlist, get halfway with that...and then again, there's that voice at the back of my head.

God says, "I don't want that, either."

At this point, I'm pretty sure I made that odd  horse noise. You know, the one where you stick out your lips and kind of let them flop around.  So, I turn off the music, take off my headphones and sit there on my bed with my hands folded in my lap. "Okay then, God," I say, with ample determination, "Tell me what it is exactly you want me to write."

And He says, "I want you to tell your story."


Hahahaha. You know me, Lord. You know how timid I am. You know that I've never really shared my story - not in excessive detail anyway. I'm not looking for sympathy, and really I don't want random strangers having access to my life story at the little click of a button. Besides, who is really going to sit there and read that?

No reply, just the same words echoing around in my head: "I want you to tell your story."

So I'm going to. I have to trust that God knows that He's doing and that there's a reason He's told me to tell my story, on this little blog of all places.

For those of you who are geeks like me, you'll know all about Doctor Who. I'm a BIG fan of Doctor Who, let me tell you. I went through a phase when all I would do was lay in bed and watch the episodes all day and night - and I mean all of them, the classic ones included.

I'm just a tad obsessed - the theme song is even my ringtone.

At any rate the show is about the man who calls himself simply "The Doctor" - he's the last of his kind, and he goes around in his time-and-space-warping-machine called the TARDIS. Basically, he saves the Universe on a daily basis.

There are so many times in my life where I've paused and wished that I had a TARDIS, just so I could go back in time. So that I could prevent something from happening, or take back something silly I said - maybe try to get a better grade in Math, I don't know.

Slowly, I've come to realize that if The Doctor randomly showed up on my doorstep, shouted "Allons-y!" (cheers to anyone who gets the reference)  and told me that he'd take me back in time and allow me to change any event in my past, I wouldn't do it. (Not like this would really happen, I know he isn't real, good gravy. Don't put me away in a mental home just yet, I'm just trying to paint a picture for you here.)


Because every moment of my life has a specific purpose; He has been preparing me to do His work my entire life without me even knowing.

I've been virtually homeless. I've been completely on my own with my parents in another country. I've been tested, pushed, depressed, suicidal. I've been in more dangerous situations than I can count. I've been bullied, ignored, mistreated.

Everything I used to think I was so unfair, that I was so bitter about - I'm now incredibly thankful for, because I know now there was a reason, and that He was just leading me to my path all along.

Thanks for reading, and I hope you'll actually join me on the rest of this little adventure.

- Cecily Macomber

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